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Forgot Username or Password?

Create a new password or find your username

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Need help changing your password?

My password has been suspended

For your security, we may suspend your access to Wells Fargo Online®. To regain access, you’ll need to create a new password. For additional protection, we also recommend that you change your username after signing on.

If you do not have the required information to create a new password through Wells Fargo Online, you will need to contact Online Customer Service at 1-800-956-4442.

Best practices for creating a password


  • A unique password not used anywhere else.
  • Upper and lower case letters along with numbers and special characters (@, %, &, #).

Don’t use:

  • Your username or email address.
  • Personal information such as your name, phone number, street name, or Social Security number.


  • Write down your password.
  • Share your password with anyone.
  • Save your password in a browser.

Temporary password help

Received a temporary password

  • Simply sign on with your username and temporary password. You will then be prompted to create a new password.

Forgot my temporary password or temporary password has expired

If you’ve not yet completed enrollment, after creating your new password, you’ll be prompted to complete your enrollment.

If you do not have the required information to create your new password through Wells Fargo Online, you will need to contact Online Customer Service at 1-800-956-4442.