Use one-touch banking. Even before you enter your card’s personal identification number (PIN) number, your most frequent transaction will show up for speedy access.
Select All other transactions to go to the main menu.
Change language preferences. Select English, Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, French, Korean, Russian, or Vietnamese.

Get cash. Most Wells Fargo ATMs carry both $20- and $50-dollar bills, and allow a mix when available.
Deposit cash and checks. Insert checks or cash without an envelope. The ATM does the rest.
Get your balance or statements. View or print your most recent transactions.
Transfer money or make payments.
- Easily transfer funds from one account to another.
- Pay your Wells Fargo credit card bill.
Donate to charity. Easily make a donation directly from your bank account to the American Red Cross.
Show/hide account balances. Select “Yes” or “No” to view balances for your accounts.
Cash tracker. Want to limit or track your cash withdrawals? Select a monthly target, and see your progress over time.
More choices. Check your rewards, change settings, and more.

Check rewards. If you’re a Wells Fargo Rewards® customer, view your balance and redeem rewards for cash or cash redemptions directed to a Wells Fargo deposit or credit account.
Personalize your ATM settings. Change your card’s PIN or language settings, and more.
Use Wells Fargo services. Update your phone number(s), and set up Debit Card Overdraft Service.

Manage Cash Tracker. Here’s where you can set or update a monthly withdrawal target, or turn off the Cash Tracker feature.
View/print nearby ATMs.
Change other settings.
- Update your PIN quickly and conveniently.
- Set language preferences.
- Set and personalize your privacy control features — like whether to show your account balance in your ATM view.