Municipal Finance

Deep sector experience from a sales, trading, and underwriting leader
Tailored solutions for your goals
Leverage our wealth of experience and resources designed to align with your objectives. With a proven track record and diverse suite of services, we provide financing solutions, risk management strategies, and investment opportunities to help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.
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Expertise across sectors
Case studies
State of Illinois $2.5 Billion 2023 General Obligation Bonds
The transaction was the third largest issue to come to market in 2023 at the time of issuance. It was also the largest negotiated issue of the week with competition from heavy supply ($11 billion) the week of April 17.
The University of Idaho Utility System Concession
Texas Water Development Board SWIRFT Series 2023A & Taxable Series 2023B
The $1,007,490,000 tax-exempt series was structured with a mix of coupons – 5% semiannual serial bonds from 2024-36, 5% term bonds in 2037-38, 2044, & 2058, a 5.25% term bond in 2051, and term bonds priced at par in 2039, 2040, 2041, 2043, & 2048.
$1.8 Billion State of California, March 2023 Federally Taxable Various Purpose G.O. Bonds
New York State Housing Finance Agency AHRB (2023 Series AB)
This is the largest NYSHFA Affordable Housing Revenue Bonds issuance to date. The 2023 Series AB Bonds were issued for the purpose of financing the 2023 Mortgage Loans for the construction or acquisition and rehabilitation of 10 multifamily rental housing projects.
Board of Regents of The University of Texas System Permanent University Fund (“PUF”) Bonds, Series 2024A
New York State Housing Finance Agency AHRB 2023 Series AB Official Statement
Texas MAC, The University of Texas System PUF Official Statements, and EMMA as of 2/21/2024