1ATM | 3.12 milesCULLOWHEE REMOTE148 CENTRAL DRCULLOWHEE, NC, 28723Phone: 800-869-3557
2Bank + ATM | 8.27 milesSYLVA MAIN733 W MAIN STSYLVA, NC, 28779Phone: 828-586-2107
3Bank + ATM | 11.11 milesCASHIERS MAIN68 HIGHWAY 107 SCASHIERS, NC, 28717Phone: 828-743-2431
4Bank + ATM | 12.92 milesFRANKLIN MAIN55 E MAIN STFRANKLIN, NC, 28734Phone: 828-369-3300
5ATM | 13.16 milesPALMER STREET28 E PALMER STFRANKLIN, NC, 28734Phone: 800-869-3557
6ATM | 14.68 milesHIGHLANDS SHOPPING CENTER OFFSITE ATM645 S 4TH STHIGHLANDS, NC, 28741Phone: 800-869-3557
7Bank + ATM | 19.45 milesWAYNESVILLE MAIN339 RUSS AVEWAYNESVILLE, NC, 28786Phone: 828-456-2300
8Bank + ATM | 25.43 milesBREVARD114 ASHEVILLE HWYBREVARD, NC, 28712Phone: 828-884-4155
9ATM | 34.9 milesLAKE KEOWEE8233 ROCHESTER HWYSALEM, SC, 29676Phone: 800-869-3557
11Bank + ATM | 35.25 milesENKA CANDLER53 WESTRIDGE MARKET PLCANDLER, NC, 28715Phone: 828-255-2049
12Bank + ATM | 36.62 milesPICKENS MAIN431 ANN STPICKENS, SC, 29671Phone: 864-878-4763
13ATM | 36.79 milesTHE PLAZA AT BILTMORE SQUARE940 BREVARD RDASHEVILLE, NC, 28806Phone: 800-869-3557
14ATM | 39.27 milesASHEVILLE WEST1 VERMONT AVEASHEVILLE, NC, 28806Phone: 800-869-3557
15Bank + ATM | 39.65 milesASHEVILLE ARDEN2373 HENDERSONVILLE RDARDEN, NC, 28704Phone: 828-255-2241
16Bank + ATM | 39.76 milesWEST PATTON1037 W PATTON AVEASHEVILLE, NC, 28806Phone: 828-255-2221
17Bank + ATM | 40.25 milesWEIRBRIDGE VILLAGE1733 HENDERSONVILLE RDASHEVILLE, NC, 28803Phone: 828-277-7657
18Bank + ATM | 40.44 milesHENDERSONVILLE MAIN301 S MAIN STHENDERSONVILLE, NC, 28792Phone: 828-696-4440
19ATM | 40.87 milesKEOWEE VILLAGE1094 HWY 123 BYPASSSENECA, SC, 29678Phone: 800-869-3557
20ATM | 41.81 milesASHEVILLE MAIN1 HAYWOOD STASHEVILLE, NC, 28801Phone: 800-869-3557
21Bank + ATM | 41.82 milesSENECA MAIN301 E MAIN STSENECA, SC, 29678Phone: 864-885-5600
23ATM | 42.77 milesASHEVILLE OFFSITE80 SOUTH TUNNEL RDASHEVILLE, NC, 28805Phone: 800-869-3557
24Bank + ATM | 43.04 milesASHEVILLE NORTH800 MERRIMON AVEASHEVILLE, NC, 28804Phone: 828-255-2231
25Bank + ATM | 43.54 milesCLEMSON MAIN955 TIGER BLVDCLEMSON, SC, 29631Phone: 864-653-2000
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.
Deposit products offered by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.

Bank Within a Location
A Bank located in a grocery store. These locations have ATMs, teller services, and a private office for customer meetings.
End of popup
Make an appointment
These locations allow you to schedule an appointment to meet with a Wells Fargo banker at a time that works for you.
End of popup
Notary Service
Banking locations with a notary service available. Please call the location in advance to meet with a notary.
End of popup

ATM Deposit Cutoff
Checks deposited at Envelope-FreeSM ATMs before 9:00 pm weekdays are considered received that same day. Checks deposited after 9:00 pm weekdays or on bank holidays are considered received the next business day. Cash deposits are available for use immediately.
End of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupEnd of popupATM Deposit Cutoff
Checks deposited at Envelope-FreeSM ATMs before 8:00 pm weekdays are considered received that same day. Checks deposited after 8:00 pm weekdays or on bank holidays are considered received the next business day. Cash deposits are available for use immediately.

Digital wallet access
Add your Wells Fargo Debit or
Cards to your digital wallet to easily access your accounts at a Wells Fargo ATM displaying the contactless symbol.
Important information
Digital wallet access is available at Wells Fargo ATMs displaying the contactless symbol for Wells Fargo Debit and
Wells Fargo EasyPay®
Cards in Wells Fargo-supported digital wallets. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Some ATMs within secure locations may require a card for entry.
ATM Access Code
Use the
Wells Fargo Mobile®
app to request an ATM Access Code to access your accounts without your debit card at any Wells Fargo ATM.
Important information
ATM Access Codes are available for use at all Wells Fargo ATMs for Wells Fargo Debit and ATM Cards, and
Wells Fargo EasyPay®
Cards using the
Wells Fargo Mobile®
app. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Some ATMs within secure locations may require a card for entry.