1Bank + ATM | 0.29 milesHAMILTON GATEWAY5820 NAVE DRNOVATO, CA, 94949Phone: 415-382-2820
2Bank + ATM | 3.74 milesNORTHGATE600 LAS GALLINAS AVESAN RAFAEL, CA, 94903Phone: 415-491-0167
3Bank + ATM | 4.11 milesNOVATO1590 GRANT AVENOVATO, CA, 94945Phone: 415-892-1639
4Bank + ATM | 6.02 milesSAN RAFAEL MAIN1203 4TH STSAN RAFAEL, CA, 94901Phone: 415-721-3101
5Bank + ATM | 6.15 milesSAN ANSELMO3 TUNSTEAD AVESAN ANSELMO, CA, 94960Phone: 415-456-4892
6ATM | 6.29 milesEAST SAN RAFAEL409 3RD STSAN RAFAEL, CA, 94901Phone: 800-869-3557
7Bank + ATM | 7.86 milesGREENBRAE100 BON AIR SHOPPING CTRGREENBRAE, CA, 94904Phone: 415-461-4782
8Bank + ATM | 9.24 milesCORTE MADERA TOWN CENTER427 CORTE MADERA TOWN CTRCORTE MADERA, CA, 94925Phone: 415-924-1733
9ATM | 9.32 milesCORTE MADERA100 TOWN CENTERCORTE MADERA, CA, 94925Phone: 800-869-3557
10ATM | 9.83 milesPARADISE FOODS5627 PARADISE DRCORTE MADERA, CA, 94925Phone: 800-869-3557
11ATM | 10.71 milesMILL VALLEY18 MILLER AVEMILL VALLEY, CA, 94941Phone: 800-869-3557
12Bank + ATM | 11.23 milesSTRAWBERRY VILLAGE800 REDWOOD HWY STE 209MILL VALLEY, CA, 94941Phone: 415-380-5500
13Bank + ATM | 11.47 milesMILLER AVENUE525 MILLER AVEMILL VALLEY, CA, 94941Phone: 415-388-0713
14ATM | 11.96 milesRICHMOND VISTA DEL MAR15521 SAN PABLO AVERICHMOND, CA, 94806Phone: 800-869-3557
15ATM | 13.08 milesLAKEVILLE HWY939 LAKEVILLE STPETALUMA, CA, 94952Phone: 800-869-3557
16Bank + ATM | 13.14 milesPINOLE VISTA1374 FITZGERALD DRPINOLE, CA, 94564Phone: 510-223-7171
17ATM | 13.26 milesSAN PABLO RALEYS IN-STORE3360 SAN PABLO DAM RDSAN PABLO, CA, 94803Phone: 800-869-3557
18Bank + ATM | 13.33 milesPETALUMA125 WESTERN AVEPETALUMA, CA, 94952Phone: 707-762-4588
19Bank + ATM | 13.37 milesTIBURON-BELVEDERE1550 TIBURON BLVDBELVEDERE, CA, 94920Phone: 415-435-5275
20Bank + ATM | 13.87 milesPETALUMA WASHINGTON SQUARE333 S MCDOWELL BLVD STE BPETALUMA, CA, 94954Phone: 707-766-2460
21Bank + ATM | 14.25 milesRICHMOND MAIN4300 MACDONALD AVERICHMOND, CA, 94805Phone: 510-231-1080
22Bank + ATM | 14.82 milesHERCULES1572 SYCAMORE AVE STE DHERCULES, CA, 94547Phone: 510-245-2690
23Bank + ATM | 14.84 milesPOINT REYES STATION11400 STATE ROUTE 1POINT REYES STATION, CA, 94956Phone: 415-663-1713
24Bank + ATM | 16.5 milesVALLEJO1702 TENNESSEE STVALLEJO, CA, 94590Phone: 707-643-8223
25Bank + ATM | 16.52 milesSONOMA480 W NAPA STSONOMA, CA, 95476Phone: 707-996-2360
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.
Deposit products offered by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.
Bank Within a Location
A Bank located in a grocery store. These locations have ATMs, teller services, and a private office for customer meetings.
Make an appointment
These locations allow you to schedule an appointment to meet with a Wells Fargo banker at a time that works for you.
Notary Service
Banking locations with a notary service available. Please call the location in advance to meet with a notary.
ATM Deposit Cutoff
Checks deposited at Envelope-FreeSM ATMs before 9:00 pm weekdays are considered received that same day. Checks deposited after 9:00 pm weekdays or on bank holidays are considered received the next business day. Cash deposits are available for use immediately.
ATM Deposit Cutoff
Checks deposited at Envelope-FreeSM ATMs before 8:00 pm weekdays are considered received that same day. Checks deposited after 8:00 pm weekdays or on bank holidays are considered received the next business day. Cash deposits are available for use immediately.
Digital wallet access
Add your Wells Fargo Debit or
Cards to your digital wallet to easily access your accounts at a Wells Fargo ATM displaying the contactless symbol.
Important information
Digital wallet access is available at Wells Fargo ATMs displaying the contactless symbol for Wells Fargo Debit and
Wells Fargo EasyPay®
Cards in Wells Fargo-supported digital wallets. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Some ATMs within secure locations may require a card for entry.
ATM Access Code
Use the
Wells Fargo Mobile®
app to request an ATM Access Code to access your accounts without your debit card at any Wells Fargo ATM.
Important information
ATM Access Codes are available for use at all Wells Fargo ATMs for Wells Fargo Debit and ATM Cards, and
Wells Fargo EasyPay®
Cards using the
Wells Fargo Mobile®
app. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Some ATMs within secure locations may require a card for entry.