The First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton Jr. Foundation

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To support charitable causes in the areas of animal welfare, human services, and programs for veterans.

Annual application deadlines

August 31

Program areas

Environment, animals
Human services

States served

South Carolina

Geographic limitations

Greenville County, South Carolina

Types of support

Capital Needs
Operating Support
Programming Support

Population served


Program limitations

There are no program limitations; however, the foundation has a practice of primarily supporting charitable causes in the areas of animal welfare, human services, and programs for veterans.


Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


  • To be eligible, organizations must qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The foundation does not fund requests for:

  • Multi-year grants
  • Challenge grants

Annual application period and deadlines

Applications are accepted year-round.  Applications must be submitted by August 31 to be reviewed at the annual grant meeting that occurs in September.


Applicants will receive an automated email confirming their submission.  Grant decisions are generally communicated by October for applications received by the deadline.

Required agreements and reports

Periodic progress reports and final reports may be required for funded projects.

Foundation Information

Josephine Hester Cureton established The First Lieutenant Peter F. Cureton, Jr. Foundation in memory of her brother who served in the United States Air Force and was killed in action over Germany in World War II.

Ms. Cureton, a longtime resident of Greenville, South Carolina, died on November 7, 2010, at the age of 86.