Wealth Management Insights

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Why asset allocation matters

A disciplined asset allocation strategy includes diversification — and may potentially smooth out performance over time.

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multi-generational family at picnic

Transfer and payable on death account designations

Transfer on death (TOD) and payable on death (POD) designations can be useful methods of transferring assets to heirs when used in conjunction with a well-thought-out estate plan.

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How will the SECURE Act 2.0 affect your retirement planning?

You may need to review your retirement planning strategies because of key provisions in the SECURE Act 2.0.

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Five documents you need when your child turns 18

The importance of planning in order to avoid various pitfalls as children approach the “age of majority”.

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Managing real estate capital gains with  like-kind exchanges (Section 1031)

Capital gains taxes may be deferred with proper planning and the use of like-kind exchanges.

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The importance of buy-sell agreements for business owners

The buy-sell agreement provisions can address a variety of contingencies to help ensure smooth transitions of ownership and continuity of operations.

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skyscapper buildings and blue sky

Qualified Opportunity Zones: What investors should know

The Qualified Opportunity Zone program may provide a tax incentive for private, long-term investment in economically distressed communities.

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When a spouse passes away: mistakes and misconceptions

Addressing common misconceptions and help identify mistakes that you may want to avoid.

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