Tax Forms

The IRS requires all U.S. payers and withholding agents, such as Wells Fargo Securities, to obtain certain IRS tax certification forms from all clients that receive a payment or earn income that could be reportable and subject to withholding. Without your proper tax forms, we are generally required to apply presumption rules and withhold taxes on reportable payments  at the highest rate set by law.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are certifying your tax residency outside the U.S., the Forms W-8 listed below are what must be provided to a U.S. payer or withholding agent. You cannot provide a “self-certification form” that is permissible in other countries for similar due diligence requirements. 

See the table below for the exact forms and supporting documentation we must receive from you. 

For more information, contact your sales representative or banker.

Download the forms that apply to you or your organization. See our Forms Help and Requirements or FAQs for help completing your form.

Entity Category Forms and instructions Documentation required with form
Individual or resident alien U.S. individual W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
Corporation U.S. corporation W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
LLC or disregarded entity U.S entity W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
See page 4 of the W-9 form
Partnership U.S. partnership W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
Simple trust U.S. simple trust W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
See page 4 of the W-9 form
Grantor trust U.S. grantor trust W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
See page 4 of the W-9 form
Complex trust U.S. complex trust W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
See page 4 of the W-9 form
Estate U.S. estate W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
Government U.S. federal, state and municipalities W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
International organization U.S. organizations W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
Tax-exempt organization U.S. tax-exempt organizations W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)
Private foundation U.S. private foundation W-9 form (PDF)
W-9 instructions (PDF)